How Getting a Massage Changes Your Appearance - Ajit Patel Goldshield

Although today, massages are often used as a means of relaxing and relieving stress, they can also have a positive impact on your appearance. Indeed, one of the significant advantages about receiving a massage regularly is that it can really re-vitalise your skin.
Massage techniques date back thousands of years and in ancient times, were used by Egyptian and Greek cultures in order to treat a range of conditions and ailments. They can be used holistically, and if wished, can be used to treat every part of the body, including internal and external systems.
The massage process enables this, by: stimulating, strengthening, loosening and stretching your skin and nurturing its elasticity, as well as increasing blood circulation. This can be effective in the treatment of tension-disorders such as rosacea, and can create a more youthful appearance, with skin that is refreshed and renewed. However, if you have a history of rosacea type ailments, it’s important to let your therapist know, as applying too much heat could aggravate the condition and result in flare-ups.
As well as improving your appearance, skin-massage can make the skin healthier. People generally feel refreshed after a massage, as a result of toxin-expulsion from the body, which is produced by sweat-glands being stimulated and becoming more effective.
It can also allow people with dry skin to have softer, moister skin and has been known to assist in the production of sebum, which allows for more flexible skin, especially on your scalp. Skin-massage can also provide benefits for the top-layer of the skin – enabling scar-tissues to heal faster following accidents or injuries. Skin manipulation can also dilate capillaries, gently altering the skin’s colour and tone.
Getting a massage has many physical and mental health-benefits and this is yet another one!
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